
Having always lived in the Auvergne mountains, it was natural that I became interested in creating objects using the materials around me.

First trained in stone as a marble worker, I slid inexorably towards what seemed to me to be more noble and surprising materials to work with, namely wood.

As much as possible I use what surrounds me to give free rein to my imagination and most of my creations will be made in trees that have fallen naturally or come from non-intensive pruning.

The idea in creating the "Lézard sur bois" site is to share a little piece of my universe, of my creations and thus be able to give a second chance and a new life to matter which was destined to return to nature. state of dust.

Passionate about climbing for many years, I also bring a little touch of this mineral universe by bringing my lizard gestures to ever more atypical pieces. The natural deformation will sometimes be worked on so that the lizard, by retracting, becomes "arts on wood"...